

The following options may be passed when instantiating the aws-lite client:

Region / profile config

  • region (string)
    • AWS service region (e.g. us-west-1); if not provided, defaults to AWS_REGION, AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, or AMAZON_REGION env vars
    • By default, a ~/.aws/config (or custom) file will only be loaded by using the awsConfigFile config property, or by making the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG env var true
    • Manually specify a config file location with the awsConfigfile config property, or with the AWS_CONFIG_FILE (and AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG) env var
    • If host is specified, region can be an arbitrary, non-AWS value; this is helpful when using AWS-compatible APIs
    • If no region is found, aws-lite will throw
    • Region setting can be overridden per-request
  • profile (string)
    • Selected AWS profile; if not provided, defaults to AWS_PROFILE env var, and then to the default profile, if present

Credential config

The following settings document basic credential configuration; learn additional details about how aws-lite implements the credential provider chain.

Credential parameters

  • accessKeyId (string)
    • AWS access key; if not provided, defaults to AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_ACCESS_KEY env vars, and then to a ~/.aws/credentials|config file, if present
    • Manually specify a credentials file location with the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE env var
    • If no access key is found, aws-lite will throw
  • secretAccessKey (string)
    • AWS secret key; if not provided, defaults to AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or AWS_SECRET_KEY env vars, and then to a ~/.aws/credentials|config file, if present
    • Manually specify a credentials file location with the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE env var
    • If no secret key is found, aws-lite will throw
  • sessionToken (string)
    • AWS session token; if not provided, defaults to AWS_SESSION_TOKEN env var, and then to a ~/.aws/credentials|config file, if present
    • Manually specify a credentials file location with the AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE env var

Credential provider chain

  • imds (object)
    • IMDSv2 configuration; accepts two properties:
      • endpoint (string) set a custom the IMDSv2 endpoint
        • If not provided, defaults to AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT env var, and then to a ~/.aws/credentials|config file’s ec2_metadata_service_endpoint property, if present
      • endpointMode - (string) set the IMDSv2 host via IP version; either IPv4 (which sets endpoint to, the default), or IPv6 (which sets the endpoint to http://[fd00:ec2::254])
        • If not provided, defaults to AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE env var, and then to a ~/.aws/credentials|config file’s ec2_metadata_service_endpoint_mode property, if present
    • IMDSv2 is enabled by default, but can also be entirely disabled by setting the AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED env var

General config

  • autoloadPlugins (boolean) [default = false]
    • Automatically load installed @aws-lite/* + aws-lite-plugin-* plugins; this is not suggested for production use, and should generally only be used for quick local iteration
  • awsConfigFile (boolean or string) [default = false]
    • Load configuration from an AWS configuration file
    • If true, it will load from the default (~/.aws/config) location
    • If a string, it will load from that custom path
  • awsjsonMarshall (object)
    • Lower-level configuration options for marshalling AWS-flavored JSON; reference here
  • awsjsonUnmarshall (object)
    • Lower-level configuration options for unmarshalling AWS-flavored JSON; reference here
  • debug (boolean) [default = false]
    • Enable debug logging to console
    • Can also be enabled by setting the AWS_LITE_DEBUG environment variable
  • keepAlive (boolean) [default = true]
    • Disable Node.js’s connection keep-alive, helpful for local testing
  • plugins (array)
    • Define aws-lite plugins for the client instance to use; each plugin must an object or import / require statement. Examples:
      • import dynamodb from '@aws-lite/dynamodb'; await awsLite({ plugins: [ dynamodb ] })
      • const dynamodb = require('@aws-lite/dynamodb'); await awsLite({ plugins: [ dynamodb ] })
      • await awsLite({ plugins: [ import('@aws-lite/dynamodb') ] })
      • await awsLite({ plugins: [ await import('@aws-lite/dynamodb') ] })
      • await awsLite({ plugins: [ require('@aws-lite/dynamodb') ] })
  • responseContentType (string)
    • Set an overriding Content-Type header for all responses, helpful for local testing
  • retries (number, aliased to maxAttempts) [default = 5]
    • Set the maximum number of graceful retries when API service failures occur; set to 0 to disable retrying
  • verifyService (boolean) [default = true]
    • Verify client request service names against a list of known AWS services. If false, any service name will be accepted.

Endpoint config

Configure custom endpoints for local testing or AWS-compatible APIs. endpoint is usually the preferred parameter, or use individual properties: pathPrefix, host, port, protocol.

  • endpoint (string, aliased to url)
    • Full URL of the API being requested
    • This value should specify the protocol, and if applicable, port and path; example:
    • endpoint supersedes pathPrefix, host, port, and protocol; if endpoint is specified, the others will be ignored
    • If a config file is being used (via awsConfigFile or AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG + AWS_CONFIG_FILE env vars), endpoint will be assigned the endpoint_url setting of the specified profile, if present
    • Alternately, endpoint will use the value of the AWS_ENDPOINT_URL env var, if present
  • pathPrefix (string)
    • Add prefix to any specified paths in all requests, helpful for local testing
  • host (string)
    • Set a custom host name to use, helpful for local testing
    • This value should NOT specify a protocol, port, or path; example:
  • port (number)
    • Set a custom port number to use, helpful for local testing
  • protocol (string) [default = https]
    • Set the connection protocol to http, helpful for local testing


import awsLite from '@aws-lite/client'

// Load everything from env vars and/or config files
let aws = await awsLite()

// Or specify options
aws = await awsLite({
  // Region / profile
  region: 'us-west-1',
  profile: 'work',

  // Credentials
  accessKeyId: '$accessKey',
  secretAccessKey: '$secretKey',
  sessionToken: '$sessionToken',

  // Credential provider chain (if above credentials are not passed)
  imds: {
    endpoint: 'http://[::1]'
    endpointMode: 'IPv6', // Overrides `imds.endpoint` if specified

  // General config
  autoloadPlugins: false,
  awsConfigFile: '/a/path/to/config',
  debug: true,
  keepAlive: false,
  plugins: [ '@aws-lite/dynamodb', '/a/custom/local/plugin/path' ],
  responseContentType: 'application/json',
  retries: 4,

  // Endpoint config
  endpoint: '', // Aliased to `url`
  // The following options are ignored if `endpoint` is present:
  pathPrefix: '/test/path/',
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 12345,
  protocol: 'http',

// aws-lite can also be used with AWS-compatible services that use AWS signature v4 (e.g. Backblaze B2)
// Such services can accept alternate credentials passed during instantiation, via env vars, etc.
aws = await awsLite({
  accessKeyId: '$alternateAccessKey',
  secretAccessKey: '$alternateAccessSecretKey',
  region: 'us-west-004',
  endpoint: '',

Credential provider chain details

To acquire credentials for working with AWS services, aws-lite supports the standard credential provider chain, and should be generally interoperable with AWS SDK v2 and v3 (with caveats noted below). When an aws-lite client is initialized, the following credential loading strategy is employed, in order:

  • Passed credential parameters
  • Environment variables (e.g. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, etc.)
  • SSO
    • Requires IAM Identity Center setup, and running AWS CLI: aws sso login [options]
    • Supports standard profiles, and sso-session sections in config
    • Learn more about AWS SSO here
  • Shared credentials + config files (~/.aws/[credentials|config])
  • External processes
  • IMDSv2
    • First, container (ECS) endpoints are checked via AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI, then AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI environment variables
    • If ECS is not found, instance (EC2) endpoints are checked via passed imds config, then via AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT + AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE environment variables, then via ec2_metadata_service_endpoint + ec2_metadata_service_endpoint_mode properties in shared credentials + config files

Credential loading caveats

  • IMDSv1 is not currently supported, as it is considered insecure and no longer AWS’s standard version of IMDS
  • To improve performance when acquiring IMDSv2 credentials in long-lived processes, IMDSv2 host availability is cached for the duration of the Node.js process; this availability status caching behavior may be changed in the future
  • Currently, soon-to-be expired SSO tokens are not automatically refreshed by aws-lite; PRs are welcome should the community deem this a necessary feature
  • Assuming IAM roles via OAuth 2.0 access token or OIDC token files is not currently supported; PRs are welcome should the community deem this a necessary feature
  • The following credential providers cannot be used in Lambda environments: SSO, shared credentials + config files, external processes, and IMDSv2

Additional credential resource provider chain resources:

aws-lite is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project under the umbrella of OpenJS Foundation Architect. aws-lite is not in any way affiliated with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). All names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.