
Maintained by: @architect


npm i @aws-lite/sqs

Optionally install types:

npm i -D @aws-lite/sqs-types



Canonical AWS API doc


MessageBody (string) [required]

Message to send, from 1b - 256KiB

QueueUrl (string) [required]

SQS queue URL to send the message to

DelaySeconds (number)

Seconds, from 0 - 900, to delay a message

MessageAttributes (object)

Message attribute map

More details (AWS)


await aws.SQS.SendMessage({
  MessageBody: String, // required
  QueueUrl: String, // required
  DelaySeconds: Number,
  MessageAttributes: Object,
  MessageDeduplicationId: String,
  MessageGroupId: String,
  MessageSystemAttributes: Object,


Canonical AWS API doc


QueueUrl (string) [required]

SQS queue URL to retrieve attribute information from

AttributeNames (array)

List of attribute names (strings) to retrieve


await aws.SQS.GetQueueAttributes({
  QueueUrl: String, // required
  AttributeNames: Array,


Canonical AWS API doc


QueueUrl (string) [required]

SQS queue URL from which messages are received

AttributeNames (array)

List of attribute names (strings) to be returned along with each message

MaxNumberOfMessages (number)

Maximum number of messages to return

MessageAttributeNames (array)

The name of the message attribute

MessageSystemAttributeNames (array)

A list of attributes that need to be returned along with each message

ReceiveRequestAttemptId (string)

The token used for deduplication of ReceiveMessage calls

VisibilityTimeout (number)

The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request

WaitTimeSeconds (number)

The duration (in seconds) for which the call waits for a message to arrive in the queue before returning


await aws.SQS.ReceiveMessage({
  QueueUrl: String, // required
  AttributeNames: Array,
  MaxNumberOfMessages: Number,
  MessageAttributeNames: Array,
  MessageSystemAttributeNames: Array,
  ReceiveRequestAttemptId: String,
  VisibilityTimeout: Number,
  WaitTimeSeconds: Number,


Canonical AWS API doc


QueueUrl (string) [required]

SQS queue URL from which messages are deleted

ReceiptHandle (string) [required]

The receipt handle associated with the message to delete


await aws.SQS.DeleteMessage({
  QueueUrl: String, // required
  ReceiptHandle: String, // required

Methods yet to be implemented

Please help out by opening a PR!

aws-lite is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project under the umbrella of OpenJS Foundation Architect. aws-lite is not in any way affiliated with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). All names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.