CloudWatch Logs


Maintained by: @architect


npm i @aws-lite/cloudwatch-logs

Optionally install types:

npm i -D @aws-lite/cloudwatch-logs-types



Canonical AWS API doc


logGroupName (string) [required]

Name of the log group


await aws.CloudWatchLogs.DeleteLogGroup({
  logGroupName: String, // required


Canonical AWS API doc


accountIdentifiers (array)

List of accounts to search when includeLinkedAccounts is true

includeLinkedAccounts (boolean)

Return log groups in the accounts enumerated by accountIdentifiers

limit (number)

Maximum number of items to evaluate and return

logGroupClass (string)

Log group class setting: STANDARD (supports all CloudWatch Logs features), or INFREQUENT_ACCESS (feature subset with lower costs)

await aws.CloudWatchLogs.DescribeLogGroups({
  accountIdentifiers: Array,
  includeLinkedAccounts: Boolean,
  limit: Number,
  logGroupClass: String,
  logGroupNamePattern: String,
  logGroupNamePrefix: String,
  nextToken: String,
  paginate: Boolean,


Canonical AWS API doc


descending (boolean)

Return results in descending order (if true)

limit (number)

Maximum number of items to evaluate and return

logGroupIdentifier (string)

Name or ARN of the log group

logGroupName (string)

Name of the log group

logStreamNamePrefix (string)

Prefix to match

nextToken (string)

Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response

orderBy (string)

Order results by log stream name (LogStreamName) or event time (LastEventTime)

paginate (boolean)

Enable automatic result pagination; use this instead of making your own individual pagination requests


await aws.CloudWatchLogs.DescribeLogStreams({
  descending: Boolean,
  limit: Number,
  logGroupIdentifier: String,
  logGroupName: String,
  logStreamNamePrefix: String,
  nextToken: String,
  orderBy: String,
  paginate: Boolean,


Canonical AWS API doc


logStreamName (string) [required]

Name of the log stream

endTime (number)

End of the time range in epoch milliseconds

limit (number)

Maximum number of items to evaluate and return

logGroupIdentifier (string)

Name or ARN of the log group

logGroupName (string)

Name of the log group

nextToken (string)

Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response

paginate (boolean)

Enable automatic result pagination; use this instead of making your own individual pagination requests

startFromHead (boolean)

Return earliest log events first (true)

startTime (number)

Start of the time range in epoch milliseconds

unmask (boolean)

Display log event fields with all sensitive data unmasked and visible (true)


await aws.CloudWatchLogs.GetLogEvents({
  logStreamName: String, // required
  endTime: Number,
  limit: Number,
  logGroupIdentifier: String,
  logGroupName: String,
  nextToken: String,
  paginate: Boolean,
  startFromHead: Boolean,
  startTime: Number,
  unmask: Boolean,

Methods yet to be implemented

Please help out by opening a PR!

aws-lite is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project under the umbrella of OpenJS Foundation Architect. aws-lite is not in any way affiliated with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). All names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.