
Maintained by: @architect


npm i @aws-lite/sns

Optionally install types:

npm i -D @aws-lite/sns-types



Canonical AWS API doc


Message (string) [required]

Message payload to send

MessageAttributes (string)

String to MessageAttributeValue object map

MessageDeduplicationId (string)

Ensures request is idempotent; may only be used for FIFO topics

MessageGroupId (string)

Tag specifying a specific message group; may only be used for FIFO topics

MessageStructure (string)

May be set to json publish JSON payloads

PhoneNumber (string)

SMS recipient phone number in E.164 format; if not specified, you must specify TargetArn or TargetArn

Subject (string)

Email subject line

TargetArn (string)

If not specified, you must specify PhoneNumber or TopicArn

TopicArn (string)

ARN of the the topic to publish to; if not specified, you must specify PhoneNumber or TargetArn


await aws.SNS.Publish({
  Message: String, // required
  MessageAttributes: String,
  MessageDeduplicationId: String,
  MessageGroupId: String,
  MessageStructure: String,
  PhoneNumber: String,
  Subject: String,
  TargetArn: String,
  TopicArn: String,

Methods yet to be implemented

Please help out by opening a PR!

aws-lite is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project under the umbrella of OpenJS Foundation Architect. aws-lite is not in any way affiliated with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). All names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.