
Plugin API


Out of the box, @aws-lite/client is a full-featured AWS API client that you can use to interact with any AWS service that makes use of authentication via AWS signature v4 (which should be just about all of them).

@aws-lite/client can be extended with plugins to more easily interact with AWS services, or to customize behavior or semantics. As such, plugins enable you to have significantly more control over the entire API request/response lifecycle.

A bit more about how plugins work:

  • Plugins can be authored in ESM or CJS
  • Plugins can be dependencies downloaded from npm, or also live locally in your codebase
  • In conjunction with the open source community, aws-lite publishes service plugins under the @aws-lite/$service namespace that conform to aws-lite standards

Thus, to make use of the @aws-lite/dynamodb plugin, this is what your code would look like:

npm i @aws-lite/client @aws-lite/dynamodb
import awsLite from '@aws-lite/client'
const aws = await awsLite({ plugins: [ import('@aws-lite/dynamodb')] })
aws.DynamoDB.PutItem({ TableName: 'my-table', Key: { id: 'hello' } })

Plugin API

The aws-lite plugin API is lightweight and simple to learn. At the top level, the following properties define a plugin:

  • service (string) [required]
    • Service name the plugin will use for all requests; for more information about services, please see client requests.
  • methods (object) [required]
  • property (string)
    • Customize the plugin’s namespace or casing if you’d like it to be different than the plain service, e.g. dynamodb can be accessed as DynamoDB
    • Can be used to specify a colloquial or shortened version of the formal service name, e.g. dynamodb can be accessed as dynamo
    • Note: when property is used, your methods will also still be accessible via the lowcased service name; this is non-enumerable

Here’s an example of a simple validation plugin:

// Validate `TableName` input on DynamoDB.PutItem() calls
export default {
  service: 'dynamodb',
  property: 'DynamoDB',
  methods: {
    PutItem: {
      validate: {
        TableName: { type: 'string', required: true }
// Using the above plugin
aws.DynamoDB.PutItem({ TableName: 12345 }) // Throws validation error (type)
aws.DynamoDB.PutItem({ Key: { ok: true } }) // Throws validation error (required)

Method hooks

The methods object specifies an arbitrary number of API methods, each of which makes use of four optional lifecycle hooks:

  • validate (object) [optional]
    • An object of property names and types used to validate inputs pre-request
  • request() (async function) [optional]
    • An async function that enables mutation of inputs into the final service API request
  • response() (async function) [optional]
    • An async function that enables mutation of service API responses before they are returned
  • error() (async function) [optional]
    • An async function that enables mutation of service API errors before they are returned

Example plugins can be found below, and in aws-lite project’s plugins/ dir (which contains all @aws-lite/* plugins).


In addition to the method lifecycle hooks, each method can specify the following optional metadata properties:

  • awsDoc (string) [optional]
    • Link to the AWS API doc pertaining to this method; should usually start with
  • deprecated (boolean) [optional, default = false]
    • Allows you to denote a method as deprecated; helpful for denoting a plugin methods that may not be implemented
  • disabled (boolean) [optional, default = false]
    • Allows you to denote a method as disabled; helpful for fleshing out all the plugin methods
  • readme (string) [optional]
    • Link to a relevant section in your plugin’s readme or docs

Note: awsDoc and readme properties are highly recommended, as they will be populated in error metadata. In @aws-lite/* plugins they are required.


The validate lifecycle hook is an optional object containing (case-sensitive) input property names, with a corresponding object that denotes:

  • type (string) [required]
    • Expected top-level type of the property, supports: array, boolean, buffer, number, object, string
    • If multiple types are accepted, an array of types can be used (e.g. type: [ 'string', 'number' ])
  • required (boolean) [default = false]
    • Specify the property as being required
  • comment (string)
    • Brief description or summary of the property that may be used in errors, documentation, etc.; highly recommended!
  • ref (string)
    • Reference link to related AWS documentation; helpful for complex or nested values that can’t be easily enumerated in comment


// Validate inputs the DynamoDB `CreateTable` method
export default {
  service: 'dynamodb',
  property: 'DynamoDB',
  methods: {
    CreateTable: {
      validate: {
        TableName:                  { type: 'string', required: true, comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        AttributeDefinitions:       { type: 'array', required: true, comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        KeySchema:                  { type: 'array', required: true, comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        BillingMode:                { type: 'string', comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        DeletionProtectionEnabled:  { type: 'boolean', comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        GlobalSecondaryIndexes:     { type: 'array', comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        LocalSecondaryIndexes:      { type: 'array', comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        ProvisionedThroughput:      { type: 'object', comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        SSESpecification:           { type: 'object', comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        StreamSpecification:        { type: 'object', comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        TableClass:                 { type: 'string', comment: '...', ref: '...' },
        Tags:                       { type: 'array', comment: '...', ref: '...' },


The request() lifecycle hook is an optional async function that enables transformation of inputs into the final service API request.

request() is executed with two positional arguments:

The request() method may return:


// Automatically serialize input to AWS-flavored JSON
export default {
  service: 'dynamodb',
  property: 'DynamoDB',
  methods: {
    PutItem: {
      validate: {
        Item: { type: 'object', required: true }
      request: async (params, utils) => {
        params.Item = utils.awsjsonMarshall(params.Item)
        return {
          headers: { 'X-Amz-Target': `DynamoDB_20120810.PutItem` }
          payload: params


The response() lifecycle hook is an async function that enables mutation of service API responses before they are returned.

response() is executed with two positional arguments:

  • response (object)
    • An object containing three properties from the API response:
      • statusCode (number)
        • HTTP response status code
      • headers (object)
        • HTTP response headers
      • payload (object or string)
        • Raw non-error response from AWS service API request
        • If the entire payload is JSON, AWS-flavored JSON, or XML, aws-lite will attempt to parse it prior to executing response()
        • Responses that are primarily JSON, but with nested AWS-flavored JSON, will be parsed only as JSON and may require additional deserialization with the awsjsonUnmarshall utility or awsjson property
  • utils (object)

The response() method may return:

  • An individual response property (such as simply passing through payload)
  • A mutated version of the entire response object
  • Arbitrary data (most commonly – but not necessarily – an object or string)
  • Nothing (which will pass through the response object as-is)

Note: Should you return an object, you may also include an awsjson property (that behaves the same as in client requests). The awsjson property is considered reserved and will be automatically stripped out, thereby not polluting your returned data.


// Automatically deserialize AWS-flavored JSON
export default {
  service: 'dynamodb',
  property: 'DynamoDB',
  methods: {
    GetItem: {
      // Assume successful responses always have an AWS-flavored JSON `Item` property
      response: async (response, utils) => {
        response.awsjson = [ 'Item' ]
        return response // Returns the response (`statusCode`, `headers`, `payload`), with `payload.Item` unformatted from AWS-flavored JSON, and the `awsjson` property removed


The error() lifecycle hook is an optional async function that enables mutation of service API errors before they are returned.

error() is executed with two positional arguments:

  • error (object)
    • The object containing the following properties:
      • error (object or string)
        • The raw error from the service API
        • If the entire error payload is JSON or XML, aws-lite will attempt to parse it into the error property
      • metadata (object)
        • aws-lite error metadata; to improve the quality of the errors presented by aws-lite, please only append to this object
      • statusCode (number or undefined)
        • Resulting status code of the API response
        • If an HTTP connection error occurred, statusCode will be undefined
  • utils (object)

The error() method may return:

  • A new or mutated version of the error payload
  • A string, object, or a JS error
  • Nothing (which will pass through the error object as-is)


// Improve clarity of error output
export default {
  service: 'lambda',
  methods: {
    GetFunctionConfiguration: {
      error: async (err, utils) => {
        if (err.statusCode === 400 &&
            err?.error?.message?.match(/validation/)) {
          // Append a property to be clearly displayed along with the other error data
          err.metadata.type = 'Validation error'
        return err

Plugin utils

request(), response(), and error() are all passed a second argument of helper utilities and data pertaining to the client:

  • awsjsonMarshall (function)
  • awsjsonUnmarshall (function)
  • buildXML (function)
    • Utility for manually building XML requests, if necessary
    • This method accepts an object, and returns an XML document
  • client (function)
    • An instance of the client, including all plugin methods
    • Helpful for calling other methods within methods
  • config (object)
  • credentials (object)
    • accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, and sessionToken being used in this request
    • Note: secretAccessKey and sessionToken are present in this object, but are non-enumerable
  • region (string)
    • Canonical service region being used in this request
    • This value may differ from the region set in the config object if overridden per-request

An example of plugin utils:

async function request (params, utils) {
  let marshalled = utils.awsjsonMarshall({ ok: true, hi: 'there' })
  // { ok: { BOOL: true }, hi: { S: 'there' } }

  let unmarshalled = utils.awsjsonUnmarshall(marshalled)
  // { ok: true, hi: 'there' }

  // { profile: 'my-profile', autoloadPlugins: false, ... }

  // { accessKeyId: 'abc123...' } secrets are non-enumerable

  // 'us-west-1'
aws-lite is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project under the umbrella of OpenJS Foundation Architect. aws-lite is not in any way affiliated with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). All names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.