@aws-lite/dynamodb Maintained by: @architect Install npm i @aws-lite/dynamodb Optionally install types: npm i -D @aws-lite/dynamodb-types Methods BatchExecuteStatement Canonical AWS API doc Properties Statements (array) [required] Array of PartiQL statements representing the batch being run ReturnConsumedCapacity (string) Return throughput consumption in response, can be set to one of: INDEXES, TOTAL, or NONE Example await aws.DynamoDB.BatchExecuteStatement({ Statements: Array, // required ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, }) BatchGetItem Canonical AWS API doc Properties RequestItems (object) [required] An object containing >=1 table names and, for each table, an object describing >=1 items to get ReturnConsumedCapacity (string) Return throughput consumption in response, can be set to one of: INDEXES, TOTAL, or NONE Example await aws.DynamoDB.BatchGetItem({ RequestItems: Object, // required ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, }) BatchWriteItem Canonical AWS API doc Properties RequestItems (object) [required] An object containing >=1 table names and, for each table, an object describing >=1 items to write ReturnConsumedCapacity (string) Return throughput consumption in response, can be set to one of: INDEXES, TOTAL, or NONE ReturnItemCollectionMetrics (string) Return collection metrics in response, can be set to: SIZE, or NONE (default) Example await aws.DynamoDB.BatchWriteItem({ RequestItems: Object, // required ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics: String, }) CreateBackup Canonical AWS API doc Properties BackupName (string) [required] Specified name of the backup TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.CreateBackup({ BackupName: String, // required TableName: String, // required }) CreateGlobalTable Canonical AWS API doc Properties GlobalTableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name ReplicationGroup (array) [required] AWS regions where the global table needs to be created Example await aws.DynamoDB.CreateGlobalTable({ GlobalTableName: String, // required ReplicationGroup: Array, // required }) CreateTable Canonical AWS API doc Properties AttributeDefinitions (array) [required] Array of attributes that describe the primary (and sort) schema for the table KeySchema (array) [required] Attributes that make up the primary key for a table or index. The attributes in KeySchema must also be defined in the AttributeDefinitions array TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name BillingMode (string) Set how the table is charged for read/write throughput: PROVISIONED, or PAY_PER_REQUEST DeletionProtectionEnabled (boolean) Enable or disable deletion protection GlobalSecondaryIndexes (array) 1-20 global secondary indexes to be created on the table More details (AWS) ProvisionedThroughput (object) Provisioned throughput setting SSESpecification (object) Server-side encryption settings StreamSpecification (object) Settings for Streams, including: StreamEnabled (boolean), and StreamViewType (KEYS_ONLY, NEW_IMAGE, OLD_IMAGE, or NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES) TableClass (string) Class of the table, can be set to: STANDARD, or STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS Tags (array) Array of pairs to label the table Example await aws.DynamoDB.CreateTable({ AttributeDefinitions: Array, // required KeySchema: Array, // required TableName: String, // required BillingMode: String, DeletionProtectionEnabled: Boolean, GlobalSecondaryIndexes: Array, LocalSecondaryIndexes: Array, ProvisionedThroughput: Object, SSESpecification: Object, StreamSpecification: Object, TableClass: String, Tags: Array, }) DeleteBackup Canonical AWS API doc Properties BackupArn (string) [required] ARN of the specified backup Example await aws.DynamoDB.DeleteBackup({ BackupArn: String, // required }) DeleteItem Canonical AWS API doc Properties Key (object) [required] Primary (and sort) key of the item in question TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name ConditionExpression (string) Condition that must be satisfied in order to complete the operation More details (AWS) ExpressionAttributeValues (object) Values that can be substituted in an expression Example await aws.DynamoDB.DeleteItem({ Key: Object, // required TableName: String, // required ConditionExpression: String, ConditionalOperator: String, Expected: Object, ExpressionAttributeNames: Object, ExpressionAttributeValues: Object, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics: String, ReturnValues: String, ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure: String, }) DeleteTable Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DeleteTable({ TableName: String, // required }) DescribeBackup Canonical AWS API doc Properties BackupArn (string) [required] ARN of the specified backup Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeBackup({ BackupArn: String, // required }) DescribeContinuousBackups Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeContinuousBackups({ TableName: String, // required }) DescribeContributorInsights Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name IndexName (string) DynamoDB global secondary index name (if applicable) Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeContributorInsights({ TableName: String, // required IndexName: String, }) DescribeEndpoints Canonical AWS API doc Properties Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeEndpoints() DescribeExport Canonical AWS API doc Properties ExportArn (string) [required] ARN of the specified export Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeExport({ ExportArn: String, // required }) DescribeGlobalTable Canonical AWS API doc Properties GlobalTableName (string) [required] DynamoDB global table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeGlobalTable({ GlobalTableName: String, // required }) DescribeGlobalTableSettings Canonical AWS API doc Properties GlobalTableName (string) [required] DynamoDB global table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeGlobalTableSettings({ GlobalTableName: String, // required }) DescribeImport Canonical AWS API doc Properties ImportArn (string) [required] ARN of the specified import Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeImport({ ImportArn: String, // required }) DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeKinesisStreamingDestination({ TableName: String, // required }) DescribeLimits Canonical AWS API doc Properties Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeLimits() DescribeTable Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeTable({ TableName: String, // required }) DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling({ TableName: String, // required }) DescribeTimeToLive Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DescribeTimeToLive({ TableName: String, // required }) DisableKinesisStreamingDestination Canonical AWS API doc Properties StreamArn (string) [required] ARN of the specified Kinesis data stream TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.DisableKinesisStreamingDestination({ StreamArn: String, // required TableName: String, // required }) EnableKinesisStreamingDestination Canonical AWS API doc Properties StreamArn (string) [required] ARN of the specified Kinesis data stream TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.EnableKinesisStreamingDestination({ StreamArn: String, // required TableName: String, // required }) ExecuteStatement Canonical AWS API doc Properties Statement (string) [required] PartiQL statement representing the operation to run TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name ConsistentRead (boolean) Enable strongly consistent reads; by default eventually consistent reads are used Limit (number) Maximum number of items to evaluate and return NextToken (string) Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response Parameters (array) PartiQL statement parameters, if any ReturnConsumedCapacity (string) Return throughput consumption in response, can be set to one of: INDEXES, TOTAL, or NONE ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure (string) Return the item attributes that failed a condition check, can be set to NONE, or ALL_OLD Example await aws.DynamoDB.ExecuteStatement({ Statement: String, // required TableName: String, // required ConsistentRead: Boolean, Limit: Number, NextToken: String, Parameters: Array, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure: String, }) ExecuteTransaction Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name TransactStatements (array) [required] PartiQL statement parameters representing the transaction to run ClientRequestToken (string) Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response ReturnConsumedCapacity (string) Return throughput consumption in response, can be set to one of: INDEXES, TOTAL, or NONE Example await aws.DynamoDB.ExecuteTransaction({ TableName: String, // required TransactStatements: Array, // required ClientRequestToken: String, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, }) ExportTableToPointInTime Canonical AWS API doc Properties S3Bucket (string) [required] Destination S3 bucket of the snapshot export TableArn (string) [required] ARN of the table being exported ClientToken (string) Ensures operation request is idempotent ExportFormat (string) Format for the exported data, can be set to: DYNAMODB_JSON, or IO ExportTime (number) Point in time (in epoch seconds) from which to export table data S3BucketOwner (string) AWS account ID that owns the destination S3 bucket S3Prefix (string) S3 bucket prefix to use as the file name and path of the exported snapshot S3SseAlgorithm (string) Type of encryption used on the bucket where export data will be stored, can be set to AES256, or KMS S3SseKmsKeyId (string) AWS KMS managed key ID used to encrypt the destination S3 bucket (if applicable) Example await aws.DynamoDB.ExportTableToPointInTime({ S3Bucket: String, // required TableArn: String, // required ClientToken: String, ExportFormat: String, ExportTime: Number, S3BucketOwner: String, S3Prefix: String, S3SseAlgorithm: String, S3SseKmsKeyId: String, }) GetItem Canonical AWS API doc Properties Key (object) [required] Primary (and sort) key of the item in question TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name AttributesToGet (array) Legacy parameter, use ProjectionExpression instead ConsistentRead (boolean) Enable strongly consistent reads; by default eventually consistent reads are used ExpressionAttributeNames (object) Substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression Example await aws.DynamoDB.GetItem({ Key: Object, // required TableName: String, // required AttributesToGet: Array, ConsistentRead: Boolean, ExpressionAttributeNames: Object, ProjectionExpression: String, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, }) ImportTable Canonical AWS API doc Properties InputFormat (string) [required] Source data format, can be set to: CSV, DYNAMODB_JSON, or ION S3BucketSource (object) [required] Destination S3 bucket of the snapshot import TableCreationParameters (object) [required] Parameters for the table to import the data Example await aws.DynamoDB.ImportTable({ InputFormat: String, // required S3BucketSource: Object, // required TableCreationParameters: Object, // required ClientToken: String, InputCompressionType: String, InputFormatOptions: Object, }) ListBackups Canonical AWS API doc Properties BackupType (string) Limit backups by type, can be set to: USER SYSTEM, AWS_BACKUP, or ALL ExclusiveStartBackupArn (string) Pagination cursor token ARN to be used if LastEvaluatedBackupArn was returned in a previous response Limit (number) Maximum number of items to evaluate and return TableName (string) List backups by DynamoDB table name TimeRangeLowerBound (number) Inclusively return backups created after this time TimeRangeUpperBound (number) Exclusively return backups created before this time paginate (boolean, string) Enable automatic result pagination; use this instead of making your own individual pagination requests Example await aws.DynamoDB.ListBackups({ BackupType: String, ExclusiveStartBackupArn: String, Limit: Number, TableName: String, TimeRangeLowerBound: Number, TimeRangeUpperBound: Number, paginate: Boolean || String, }) ListContributorInsights Canonical AWS API doc Properties MaxResults (number) Maximum number of items to evaluate and return NextToken (string) Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response TableName (string) DynamoDB table name Example await aws.DynamoDB.ListContributorInsights({ MaxResults: Number, NextToken: String, TableName: String, }) ListExports Canonical AWS API doc Properties MaxResults (number) Maximum number of items to evaluate and return NextToken (string) Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response TableArn (string) ARN of the exported table Example await aws.DynamoDB.ListExports({ MaxResults: Number, NextToken: String, TableArn: String, }) ListGlobalTables Canonical AWS API doc Properties ExclusiveStartGlobalTableName (string) Pagination cursor token to be used if LastEvaluatedGlobalTableName was returned in a previous response Limit (number) Maximum number of items to evaluate and return RegionName (string) List the global tables in a specific region Example await aws.DynamoDB.ListGlobalTables({ ExclusiveStartGlobalTableName: String, Limit: Number, RegionName: String, }) ListImports Canonical AWS API doc Properties NextToken (string) Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response PageSize (number) Maximum number of items to evaluate and return TableArn (string) ARN of the table imported to Example await aws.DynamoDB.ListImports({ NextToken: String, PageSize: Number, TableArn: String, }) ListTables Canonical AWS API doc Properties ExclusiveStartTableName (string) Pagination cursor token to be used if LastEvaluatedTableName was returned in a previous response Limit (number) Maximum number of items to evaluate and return Example await aws.DynamoDB.ListTables({ ExclusiveStartTableName: String, Limit: Number, }) ListTagsOfResource Canonical AWS API doc Properties ResourceArn (string) [required] Resource tags to be returned NextToken (string) Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response Example await aws.DynamoDB.ListTagsOfResource({ ResourceArn: String, // required NextToken: String, }) PutItem Canonical AWS API doc Properties Item (object) [required] Item to be written to DynamoDB TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name ConditionExpression (string) Condition that must be satisfied in order to complete the operation More details (AWS) ExpressionAttributeValues (object) Values that can be substituted in an expression Example await aws.DynamoDB.PutItem({ Item: Object, // required TableName: String, // required ConditionExpression: String, ConditionalOperator: String, Expected: Object, ExpressionAttributeNames: Object, ExpressionAttributeValues: Object, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics: String, ReturnValues: String, ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure: String, }) Query Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name AttributesToGet (array) Legacy parameter, use ProjectionExpression instead ConditionalOperator (string) Legacy parameter, use FilterExpression instead ConsistentRead (boolean) Enable strongly consistent reads; by default eventually consistent reads are used ExclusiveStartKey (object) Pagination cursor token ARN to be used if LastEvaluatedKey was returned in a previous response ExpressionAttributeNames (object) Substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression More details (AWS) FilterExpression (string) String of filter conditions applied before data is returned More details (AWS) KeyConditions (object) Legacy parameter, use KeyConditionExpression instead Limit (number) Maximum number of items to evaluate and return ProjectionExpression (string) Comma separated string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the table QueryFilter (object) Legacy parameter, use FilterExpression instead ReturnConsumedCapacity (string) Return throughput consumption in response, can be set to one of: INDEXES, TOTAL, or NONE ScanIndexForward (boolean) Index traversal order: true (default) for ascending, false for descending order Select (string) Attributes to be returned in the result, can be set to: ALL_ATTRIBUTES, ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES, COUNT, or SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES Example await aws.DynamoDB.Query({ TableName: String, // required AttributesToGet: Array, ConditionalOperator: String, ConsistentRead: Boolean, ExclusiveStartKey: Object, ExpressionAttributeNames: Object, ExpressionAttributeValues: Object, FilterExpression: String, IndexName: String, KeyConditionExpression: String, KeyConditions: Object, Limit: Number, ProjectionExpression: String, QueryFilter: Object, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, ScanIndexForward: Boolean, Select: String, paginate: Boolean || String, }) RestoreTableFromBackup Canonical AWS API doc Properties BackupArn (string) [required] ARN of the specified backup TargetTableName (string) [required] Name of the new table into which the backup will be restored BillingModeOverride (string) Set how the table is charged for read/write throughput: PROVISIONED, or PAY_PER_REQUEST GlobalSecondaryIndexOverride (array) List of global secondary indexes for the restored table; included indexes should match existing secondary indexes, although indexes can be excluded LocalSecondaryIndexOverride (array) List of local secondary indexes for the restored table; included indexes should match existing secondary indexes, although indexes can be excluded ProvisionedThroughputOverride (object) Provisioned throughput setting SSESpecificationOverride (object) Server-side encryption settings Example await aws.DynamoDB.RestoreTableFromBackup({ BackupArn: String, // required TargetTableName: String, // required BillingModeOverride: String, GlobalSecondaryIndexOverride: Array, LocalSecondaryIndexOverride: Array, ProvisionedThroughputOverride: Object, SSESpecificationOverride: Object, }) RestoreTableToPointInTime Canonical AWS API doc Properties TargetTableName (string) [required] Name of the new table into which the backup will be restored BillingModeOverride (string) Set how the table is charged for read/write throughput: PROVISIONED, or PAY_PER_REQUEST GlobalSecondaryIndexOverride (array) List of global secondary indexes for the restored table; included indexes should match existing secondary indexes, although indexes can be excluded LocalSecondaryIndexOverride (array) List of local secondary indexes for the restored table; included indexes should match existing secondary indexes, although indexes can be excluded ProvisionedThroughputOverride (object) Provisioned throughput setting RestoreDateTime (number) Past time to restore the table to SSESpecificationOverride (object) Server-side encryption settings SourceTableArn (string) ARN of the specified backup SourceTableName (string) Name of the source table being restored UseLatestRestorableTime (boolean) Restore to the latest possible time; typically 5 minutes before the current time Example await aws.DynamoDB.RestoreTableToPointInTime({ TargetTableName: String, // required BillingModeOverride: String, GlobalSecondaryIndexOverride: Array, LocalSecondaryIndexOverride: Array, ProvisionedThroughputOverride: Object, RestoreDateTime: Number, SSESpecificationOverride: Object, SourceTableArn: String, SourceTableName: String, UseLatestRestorableTime: Boolean, }) Scan Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name AttributesToGet (array) Legacy parameter, use ProjectionExpression instead ConditionalOperator (string) Legacy parameter, use FilterExpression instead ConsistentRead (boolean) Enable strongly consistent reads; by default eventually consistent reads are used ExclusiveStartKey (object) Pagination cursor token ARN to be used if LastEvaluatedKey was returned in a previous response ExpressionAttributeNames (object) Substitution tokens for attribute names in an expression More details (AWS) FilterExpression (string) String of filter conditions applied before data is returned More details (AWS) Select (string) Attributes to be returned in the result, can be set to: ALL_ATTRIBUTES, ALL_PROJECTED_ATTRIBUTES, COUNT, or SPECIFIC_ATTRIBUTES More details (AWS) paginate (boolean, string) Enable automatic result pagination; use this instead of making your own individual pagination requests Example await aws.DynamoDB.Scan({ TableName: String, // required AttributesToGet: Array, ConditionalOperator: String, ConsistentRead: Boolean, ExclusiveStartKey: Object, ExpressionAttributeNames: Object, ExpressionAttributeValues: Object, FilterExpression: String, IndexName: String, Limit: Number, ProjectionExpression: String, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, ScanFilter: Object, Segment: Number, Select: String, TotalSegments: Number, paginate: Boolean || String, }) TagResource Canonical AWS API doc Properties ResourceArn (string) [required] Resource to add tags to Tags (array) [required] Tags to be assigned Example await aws.DynamoDB.TagResource({ ResourceArn: String, // required Tags: Array, // required }) TransactGetItems Canonical AWS API doc Properties TransactItems (array) [required] Ordered array of up to 100 TransactGetItem objects, each of which containing a Get object Example await aws.DynamoDB.TransactGetItems({ TransactItems: Array, // required ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, }) TransactWriteItems Canonical AWS API doc Properties TransactItems (array) [required] Ordered array of up to 100 TransactWriteItem objects, each of which containing a ConditionCheck, Put, Update, or Delete object Example await aws.DynamoDB.TransactWriteItems({ TransactItems: Array, // required ClientRequestToken: String, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics: String, }) UntagResource Canonical AWS API doc Properties ResourceArn (string) [required] Resource to remove tags from TagKeys (array) [required] Tags to be removed Example await aws.DynamoDB.UntagResource({ ResourceArn: String, // required TagKeys: Array, // required }) UpdateContinuousBackups Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name PointInTimeRecoverySpecification (object) Point in time recovery settings Example await aws.DynamoDB.UpdateContinuousBackups({ TableName: String, // required PointInTimeRecoverySpecification: Object, }) UpdateContributorInsights Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name ContributorInsightsAction (string) Contributor insights action, can be set to: ENABLE or DISABLE IndexName (string) DynamoDB global secondary index name (if applicable) Example await aws.DynamoDB.UpdateContributorInsights({ TableName: String, // required ContributorInsightsAction: String, IndexName: String, }) UpdateGlobalTable Canonical AWS API doc Properties GlobalTableName (string) [required] DynamoDB global table name ReplicaUpdates (array) List of regions to be added or removed from the global table Example await aws.DynamoDB.UpdateGlobalTable({ GlobalTableName: String, // required ReplicaUpdates: Array, }) UpdateGlobalTableSettings Canonical AWS API doc Properties GlobalTableName (string) [required] DynamoDB global table name GlobalTableBillingMode (string) Set how the table is charged for read/write throughput: PROVISIONED, or PAY_PER_REQUEST GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate (array) 1-20 global secondary indexes to be modified More details (AWS) GlobalTableProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits (number) Maximum number of writes per second before returning a ThrottlingException ReplicaSettingsUpdate (array) Global table settings to be modified Example await aws.DynamoDB.UpdateGlobalTableSettings({ GlobalTableName: String, // required GlobalTableBillingMode: String, GlobalTableGlobalSecondaryIndexSettingsUpdate: Array, GlobalTableProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingSettingsUpdate: Object, GlobalTableProvisionedWriteCapacityUnits: Number, ReplicaSettingsUpdate: Array, }) UpdateItem Canonical AWS API doc Properties Key (object) [required] Primary (and sort) key of the item in question TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name AttributeUpdates (object) Legacy parameter, use UpdateExpression instead ConditionExpression (string) Condition that must be satisfied in order to complete the operation More details (AWS) ExpressionAttributeValues (object) Values that can be substituted in an expression More details (AWS) Example await aws.DynamoDB.UpdateItem({ Key: Object, // required TableName: String, // required AttributeUpdates: Object, ConditionExpression: String, ConditionalOperator: String, Expected: Object, ExpressionAttributeNames: Object, ExpressionAttributeValues: Object, ReturnConsumedCapacity: String, ReturnItemCollectionMetrics: String, ReturnValues: String, ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure: String, UpdateExpression: String, }) UpdateTable Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name AttributeDefinitions (array) Array of attributes that describe the primary (and sort) schema for the table BillingMode (string) Set how the table is charged for read/write throughput: PROVISIONED, or PAY_PER_REQUEST DeletionProtectionEnabled (boolean) Enable or disable deletion protection GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates (array) Global secondary index updates, each of which may be: Create, Update, or Delete More details (AWS) SSESpecification (object) Server-side encryption settings StreamSpecification (object) Settings for Streams, including: StreamEnabled (boolean), and StreamViewType (KEYS_ONLY, NEW_IMAGE, OLD_IMAGE, or NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES) TableClass (string) Class of the table, can be set to: STANDARD, or STANDARD_INFREQUENT_ACCESS Example await aws.DynamoDB.UpdateTable({ TableName: String, // required AttributeDefinitions: Array, BillingMode: String, DeletionProtectionEnabled: Boolean, GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates: Array, ProvisionedThroughput: Object, ReplicaUpdates: Array, SSESpecification: Object, StreamSpecification: Object, TableClass: String, }) UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates (array) Auto-scaling settings of the global secondary indexes of the replica More details (AWS) ReplicaUpdates (array) Auto=scaling settings of table replicas Example await aws.DynamoDB.UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling({ TableName: String, // required GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates: Array, ProvisionedWriteCapacityAutoScalingUpdate: Object, ReplicaUpdates: Array, }) UpdateTimeToLive Canonical AWS API doc Properties TableName (string) [required] DynamoDB table name TimeToLiveSpecification (object) TTL settings for the specified table Example await aws.DynamoDB.UpdateTimeToLive({ TableName: String, // required TimeToLiveSpecification: Object, })