Testing API

This feature is under active development, and is accepting feedback. It is expected to be finalized by v1.0.


aws-lite treats integration with your existing test suites as a first-class concern. Instead of bolting on heavy, complex, possibly unstable third-party libraries, aws-lite bakes in its own super fast, lightweight suite of utilities for integrating with your test suite.

How testing mode works

When aws-lite testing mode is enabled (via enable()), all requests are captured (but not made to live services), and responses are are returned via mocks you provide. The following strategy is used:

  • Once testing mode is enabled, all client instances begin using mock responses
    • You cannot enable testing mode on some aws-lite instances, but not others
  • Requests are recorded, in order, in two lists:
    • One containing all requests
    • Another containing requests to the specific plugin method (or the lower-level client) in question
  • Responses are returned for each method called as defined:
    • If a single mock response is found, it will be returned as many times as is requested
    • If a queue of mock responses are found, the responses will be drained sequentially with each request; the final response will be treated as above, returned as many times as it’s requested
    • Responses can be functions, and are passed the method params when executed
    • If the response returns a payload with an error property, aws-lite will handle that error as though it came from an API, and subsequently throw
    • If a call is made to a method with no mock responses defined, aws-lite will throw

To return to to making calls to live services, disable aws-lite’s testing mode (via disable()).

Note: do not rely on the raw testing data returned by debug() – it should be considered internal and may change at any time without issuing a breaking change. Data should always be accessed by tests via the methods below.


This example covers some common testing use cases:

import awsLite from '@aws-lite/client'
const aws = await awsLite({ plugins: [ import('@aws-lite/dynamodb' )] })

// Testing mode can be enabled and disabled at any time

// Add a single mock response
awsLite.testing.mock('DynamoDB.GetItem', { ok: true })

const getParams = { TableName: 'foo', Key: { id: 'foo' } }
await aws.DynamoDB.GetItem(getParams)
// { ok: true }
await aws.DynamoDB.PutItem({ TableName: 'foo', Item: { id: 'foo' } })
// Throws: no mock found for DynamoDB.PutItem

// Sequential mock responses
awsLite.testing.mock('DynamoDB.GetItem', [
  { hello: 'hi' },
  { hello: 'bonjour' },
  { hello: 'konnichiwa' },
await aws.DynamoDB.GetItem(getParams)
// { hello: 'hi' }
await aws.DynamoDB.GetItem(getParams)
// { hello: 'bonjour' }
await aws.DynamoDB.GetItem(getParams)
// { hello: 'konnichiwa' }
await aws.DynamoDB.GetItem(getParams) // The final sequential response is reused
// { hello: 'konnichiwa' }

// 5 requests returned
// { ...metadata, response: { hello: 'konnichiwa' } }

// Add an error response
awsLite.testing.mock('DynamoDB.GetItem', {
  statusCode: 400, // Optional
  error: {
    message: 'One or more parameter values were invalid...',
    // Add optional service-specific properties, like DynamoDB's error __type:
    __type: 'com.amazon.coral.validate#ValidationException',
await aws.DynamoDB.GetItem(getParams)
// Throws the above validation error

// Live calls will now be made again

Testing API methods

All testing API methods are found in the main aws-lite module’s testing property:

import awsLite from '@aws-lite/client'
console.log(awsLite.testing) // { debug, disable, ... }


Important: debug() data is for debugging only, access test data via the methods below.

Returns the current aws-lite testing dataset, including all requests and responses. Accepts a single options parameter containing the following property:

  • print (boolean) [default = false]
    • Print the current aws-lite testing dataset
awsLite.testing.debug({ print: true })
// Returns and prints current testing data


Disables testing mode. Resets all testing data, and resumes making live service calls.

awsLite.testing.isEnabled() // false


Enable testing mode. Resets all testing data, and captures all service requests. Once enabled, if a request is made to a method without a mock response, aws-lite will throw. Accepts a single options parameter containing the following property:

  • usePluginResponseMethod (boolean) [default = false]
    • Pass mock responses through response() (and/or error()) methods; necessitates a different shape, see advanced testing
awsLite.testing.enable(/* { usePluginResponseMethod: true } */)
awsLite.testing.isEnabled() // true


Get all requests, or get all requests from a single method. To limit to a single method, pass a string argument of either the full method name (e.g. DynamoDB.GetItem) or client (for the lower-level aws-lite client, if used).

// Returns all requests made since testing mode was enabled
// Returns all `DynamoDB.GetItem` requests (if any)


Get all responses, or get all responses from a single method. To limit to a single method, pass a string argument of either the full method name (e.g. DynamoDB.GetItem) or client (for the lower-level aws-lite client, if used).

// Returns all responses returned since testing mode was enabled
// Returns all `DynamoDB.GetItem` responses (if any)


Get last request, or get last request from a single method. To limit to a single method, pass a string argument of either the full method name (e.g. DynamoDB.GetItem) or client (for the lower-level aws-lite client, if used).

// Returns last request made
// Returns last `DynamoDB.GetItem` requests (if any)


Get last response, or get last response from a single method. To limit to a single method, pass a string argument of either the full method name (e.g. DynamoDB.GetItem) or client (for the lower-level aws-lite client, if used).

// Returns last response returned
// Returns last `DynamoDB.GetItem` response (if any)


Add one or more mocks to a given method. Arrays of mock responses will be drained with each request, and the final mock will be reused until otherwise modified.

// Add a single mock response
awsLite.testing.mock('DynamoDB.GetItem', { ok: true })

// Sequential mock responses
awsLite.testing.mock('DynamoDB.GetItem', [
  { hello: 'hi' },
  { hello: 'bonjour' },
  { hello: 'konnichiwa' },

// Add a simple error response
awsLite.testing.mock('DynamoDB.GetItem', {
  error: 'One or more parameter values were invalid...'

// Use lower-level responses per the request / response shape
awsLite.testing.enable({ usePluginResponseMethod: true })
awsLite.testing.mock('DynamoDB.GetItem', {
  statusCode: 200,
  headers: { ... },
  payload: { ok: true }


Resets all mocks, requests, and responses.

// Returns n responses
// undefined

Advanced testing

Passing responses / errors through response() and error() methods

By default, aws-lite returns the responses as defined in your mocks, short-circuiting plugin response() and error() methods. However, you have the option to provide a “lower-level” response mock that will be passed to your plugin’s response() and error() methods, should that behavior be desired.

This mode can be useful for testing complex, lower-level client behavior, or more commonly, for testing aws-lite plugins themselves.

Activate this mode with the usePluginResponseMethod option when enabling testing, like so:

awsLite.testing.enable({ usePluginResponseMethod: true })

Whereas normal mocks do not have any specific shape, mocks passed to plugin response methods must meet the following requirements.


Response mocks will be parsed by the plugin’s response() handler, if present. Mocks should assume that aws-lite’s request system has already correctly parsed any JSON, AWS-flavored JSON, or XML response payloads, so do not include serialized data as your payload.

  • Must include a statusCode property, which must be a number
  • headers and payload properties are optional
    • If not passed, headers will be set to {}
    • If not passed, payload will be an empty string


Errors will be parsed by the plugin’s response() handler, if present. Mocks should assume that aws-lite’s request system has already correctly parsed any JSON, AWS-flavored JSON, or XML error payloads, so do not include serialized data as your payload.

  • Must include an error property, which may be a string or object
  • statusCode and headers properties are optional
aws-lite is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project under the umbrella of OpenJS Foundation Architect. aws-lite is not in any way affiliated with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). All names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.