

Maintained by: @architect


npm i @aws-lite/cloudformation

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npm i -D @aws-lite/cloudformation-types



Canonical AWS API doc


StackName (string) [required]

Stack name or ID

Capabilities (array)

Array of CloudFormation capabilities necessary for stack creation; can be any of: CAPABILITY_IAM, CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM, CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND

ClientRequestToken (string)

Unique identifier for this request; from 1 - 128b matching [a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*

DisableRollback (boolean)

Set to true to disable rollback of the stack if stack creation failed

EnableTerminationProtection (boolean)

Enable protection against stack deletion

More details (AWS)
ResourceTypes (array)

Array of CloudFormation template resource types with permissions for this create stack action

More details (AWS)
StackPolicyBody (string, object)

Stack policy document; an object will be automatically serialized to JSON, or supply pre-serialized JSON

More details (AWS)
TemplateBody (string, object)

CloudFormation template object (which will be automatically serialized to JSON for you), or pre-serialized JSON or YAML; can be up to 51,200 b

TemplateURL (string)

S3 location of CloudFormation template; can be up to 460,800 b

TimeoutInMinutes (number)

Amount of time before the stack status becomes CREATE_FAILED


await aws.CloudFormation.CreateStack({
  StackName: String, // required
  Capabilities: Array,
  ClientRequestToken: String,
  DisableRollback: Boolean,
  EnableTerminationProtection: Boolean,
  NotificationARNs: Array,
  OnFailure: String,
  Parameters: Array,
  ResourceTypes: Array,
  RetainExceptOnCreate: Boolean,
  RoleARN: String,
  RollbackConfiguration: Object,
  StackPolicyBody: String || Object,
  StackPolicyURL: String,
  Tags: Array,
  TemplateBody: String || Object,
  TemplateURL: String,
  TimeoutInMinutes: Number,


Canonical AWS API doc


StackName (string) [required]

Stack name or ID

ClientRequestToken (string)

Unique identifier for this request; from 1 - 128b matching [a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*

RetainResources (array)

List of logical resource IDs to retain after stack deletion

RoleARN (string)

IAM role ARN to assume during deletion


await aws.CloudFormation.DeleteStack({
  StackName: String, // required
  ClientRequestToken: String,
  RetainResources: Array,
  RoleARN: String,


Canonical AWS API doc


LogicalResourceId (string)

Logical name of a resource

PhysicalResourceId (string)

Physical name or ID of a resource; if you do not specify PhysicalResourceId, you must specify StackName

StackName (string)

Stack name or ID


await aws.CloudFormation.DescribeStackResources({
  LogicalResourceId: String,
  PhysicalResourceId: String,
  StackName: String,


Canonical AWS API doc


NextToken (string)

Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response

StackName (string)

Stack name or ID

paginate (boolean)

Enable automatic result pagination; use this instead of making your own individual pagination requests


await aws.CloudFormation.DescribeStacks({
  NextToken: String,
  StackName: String,
  paginate: Boolean,


Canonical AWS API doc


StackName (string) [required]

Stack name or ID

NextToken (string)

Pagination cursor token to be used if NextToken was returned in a previous response

paginate (boolean)

Enable automatic result pagination; use this instead of making your own individual pagination requests


await aws.CloudFormation.ListStackResources({
  StackName: String, // required
  NextToken: String,
  paginate: Boolean,


Canonical AWS API doc


StackName (string) [required]

Stack name or ID

Capabilities (array)

Array of CloudFormation capabilities necessary for stack creation; can be any of: CAPABILITY_IAM, CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM, CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND

ClientRequestToken (string)

Unique identifier for this request; from 1 - 128b matching [a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*

DisableRollback (boolean)

Set to true to disable rollback of the stack if stack creation failed

NotificationARNs (array)

Array of SNS topic ARNs to publish stack related events

Parameters (array)

Array of objects specifying stack input parameters

More details (AWS)
RetainExceptOnCreate (boolean)

Set to true to ensure newly created resources are deleted if the operation rolls back, even if marked with a deletion policy of Retain

RoleARN (string)

IAM role ARN CloudFormation assumes to create the stack

RollbackConfiguration (object)

Rollback triggers to be monitored during creation and updating

More details (AWS)
StackPolicyURL (string)

Stack policy url

Tags (array)

Array of tag objects to associate with the stack

await aws.CloudFormation.UpdateStack({
  StackName: String, // required
  Capabilities: Array,
  ClientRequestToken: String,
  DisableRollback: Boolean,
  NotificationARNs: Array,
  Parameters: Array,
  ResourceTypes: Array,
  RetainExceptOnCreate: Boolean,
  RoleARN: String,
  RollbackConfiguration: Object,
  StackPolicyBody: String || Object,
  StackPolicyURL: String,
  Tags: Array,
  TemplateBody: String || Object,
  TemplateURL: String,


Canonical AWS API doc


EnableTerminationProtection (boolean) [required]

Enable termination protection on the specified stack

StackName (string) [required]

Stack name or ID


await aws.CloudFormation.UpdateTerminationProtection({
  EnableTerminationProtection: Boolean, // required
  StackName: String, // required

Methods yet to be implemented

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aws-lite is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project under the umbrella of OpenJS Foundation Architect. aws-lite is not in any way affiliated with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). All names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.