RDS Data Service


Maintained by: @andybee


npm i @aws-lite/rds-data

Optionally install types:

npm i -D @aws-lite/rds-data-types



Canonical AWS API doc


resourceArn (string) [required]

Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Aurora Serverless DB cluster

secretArn (string) [required]

ARN of the secret that enables access to the DB cluster

sql (string) [required]

SQL statement to run

database (string)

Name of the database

parameterSets (array)

Parameter set for the batch operation

schema (string)

Name of the database schema

transactionId (string)

Transaction ID of the transaction that you want to include the SQL statement in


await aws.RDSData.BatchExecuteStatement({
  resourceArn: String, // required
  secretArn: String, // required
  sql: String, // required
  database: String,
  parameterSets: Array,
  schema: String,
  transactionId: String,


Canonical AWS API doc


resourceArn (string) [required]

Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Aurora Serverless DB cluster

secretArn (string) [required]

ARN of the secret that enables access to the DB cluster

database (string)

Name of the database

schema (string)

Name of the database schema


await aws.RDSData.BeginTransaction({
  resourceArn: String, // required
  secretArn: String, // required
  database: String,
  schema: String,


Canonical AWS API doc


resourceArn (string) [required]

Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Aurora Serverless DB cluster

secretArn (string) [required]

ARN of the secret that enables access to the DB cluster

transactionId (string) [required]

Identifier of the transaction to end and commit


await aws.RDSData.CommitTransaction({
  resourceArn: String, // required
  secretArn: String, // required
  transactionId: String, // required


Canonical AWS API doc


resourceArn (string) [required]

Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Aurora Serverless DB cluster

secretArn (string) [required]

ARN of the secret that enables access to the DB cluster

sql (string) [required]

SQL statement to run

continueAfterTimeout (boolean)

Value that indicates whether to continue running the statement after the call times out

database (string)

Name of the database

formatRecordsAs (string)

Indicates whether to format the result set as a single JSON string: ‘NONE’, or ‘JSON’

includeResultMetadata (boolean)

Value that indicates whether to include metadata in the results

parameters (array)

Parameters for the SQL statement

resultSetOptions (object)

Options that control how the result set is returned

schema (string)

Name of the database schema

transactionId (string)

Transaction ID of the transaction that you want to include the SQL statement in


await aws.RDSData.ExecuteStatement({
  resourceArn: String, // required
  secretArn: String, // required
  sql: String, // required
  continueAfterTimeout: Boolean,
  database: String,
  formatRecordsAs: String,
  includeResultMetadata: Boolean,
  parameters: Array,
  resultSetOptions: Object,
  schema: String,
  transactionId: String,


Canonical AWS API doc


resourceArn (string) [required]

Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Aurora Serverless DB cluster

secretArn (string) [required]

ARN of the secret that enables access to the DB cluster

transactionId (string) [required]

Identifier of the transaction to roll back


await aws.RDSData.RollbackTransaction({
  resourceArn: String, // required
  secretArn: String, // required
  transactionId: String, // required

Deprecated methods

aws-lite is an Apache 2.0-licensed open source project under the umbrella of OpenJS Foundation Architect. aws-lite is not in any way affiliated with Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS). All names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.